Mert Eray Onen
European Fitness And Wellness Academy
He was born in Ankara in 1978. During his childhood and teenage years, he indulged in swimming, fitness, and bodybuilding. Dr. Mert Eray Onen, who considers sport as a lifestyle, achieved various degrees in bodybuilding between 1995 - 1997. He graduated from PE Teaching with a swimming major from Celal Bayar University with high degree in 1999. In the same year, he started working as a PE teacher in Istanbul and his school athletics team became Istanbul city champion in three months. In 2000, he took master degree of major of Sports and Health Sciences with honors. He worked in Celal Bayar University as a research assistant until September 2003. During his research assistance, he offered courses and seminars with the professors and later individually. He finished with a top degree and graduated from the Ph.D. degree of Sports Health Sciences at Marmara University, Institute of Health Sciences with a first degree. He offered lectures and conferences on sports nutrition, anatomy, kinesiology, exercise and sports physiology in more than a hundred training courses and special seminars in different federations. He wrote columns for Cumhuriyet, which is a national newspaper in Turkey for its sports supplement journal for more than one year before he completed his military service in 2011. During his military service he carried out three different R&D projects and due to the implications and applications oft he findings of those projects, some changes were made in the army forces basic PE programs and exam systems. He wrote the book 'Doping in Sports' was publishes in 2012, and he also wrote chapters in 'Exercise Physiology' in 2017. Dr. Mert Eray Önen, whose last book "Locomotor System Anatomy and Kinesiology" was published in 2019. He has got several articles published in national and international scientific journals. He was the member of education commission of Turkish Rowing Federation between 2009 - 2012, vice president of International Pilates Federation between 2011 - 2013 member of education commission of Turkish Bodybuilding, Fitness and Armwrestling Federation between 2012 - 2016. He worked as a consultant for some private sports clubs in Istanbul and gives lectures to the club coaches and master trainers on the topics he specialized in. He had been worked as a lecturer at Kocaeli University, Faculty of Sports Sciences between 2004 - 2018. Dr. Mert Eray Onen resigned from his job in 2018 and moved to London. Now he is the founding director of European Fitness And Wellness Academy in London.
Research Interest
Sports Nutrition, Anatomy, Kinesiology, Exercise and sports physiology