Lara Hanna Wakim
Dean Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK)
Lara Hanna Wakim is an Associate Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, Lebanon. She is the Vice-President of the Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for Agricultural and Life Sciences-2015 and Member of its Steering Committee. She served as Head of Food Science Department at USEK and as Responsible of the International Relations. She has an extensive experience as Food Safety consultant. She is Member of the National Committee of Agri-Food Industries at the Lebanese Ministry of Agriculture, an Active Member at the Lebanese Standards Institution at the Lebanese Ministry of Industry, Member of the Lebanese Association of Food Scientists and Technologists and also Member of the Governing Council of the International Union of Food Science and Technology Her research interests are primarily focused on consumer perceptions and attitude toward food safety in Lebanon. She holds an Agricultural Engineering Diploma from USEK (Lebanon), an MS in Food Science from the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF)/INAP-G (France) and a PhD in Food Process Engineering from AgroParis Tech (France). She holds as well an MA/PG Diploma in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education from University of Chester (UK)
Research Interest
Food, Nutrition and Health