Day :
- Prebiotics & Probiotics | Nutraceuticals vs Dietary Supplements | Nutrition and Food Sciences | Functional Food and Bioactives
Location: Holiday Inn Singapore Atrium: Seletar Room 3, Level 3

Ozlem Tokusoglu
Celal Bayar University, Turkey
Session Introduction
Gunjan Goela
Gunjal Kitchen, India
Title: Essence of Vegetarian cuisine
Time : 12:35-13:05
Gunjan Goela have been a chef for more than 18 years and had the privilege to cook for our pm Mr. Narendra Modi along with the presidents and dignitaries of various countries, recently in Mumbai for make in india.She had done a major catering for Mr. L N Mittals dinner in London. At present too she is in Antalya catering for 5,000 guests for a grand wedding also Had catered to some of the most important Indian industrialist like Ambanis, Gcoenkas, Modis, and Birlas. She was invited by the Italian govt. to be a speaker on Principals of Ayurveda consecutively for 4 years. Held workshops on demonstrating Indian food in Turin at Slow Food Congress with the audience of 1500 people
Early human food cultures were mainly plant based. Major religions like Hinduism and Buddhism have recommended a vegetarian way of life since its beginning. The history of the vegetarian nutrition started from the earlier times in the 6th century BC by Orphic mysteries followers. Also the Greek philosopher Pythagoras is considered as the father of ethical vegetarianism. The Script Pythagorean way of life was followed by a number of important personalities and influenced the concept of Vegetarian nutrition. In the European world vegetarian nutrition started disappearing during the middle Ages and in the period of Renaissance and the Age of Enlightenment many famous personalities started practicing vegetarian way of life since 1847. A vegetarian diet is comprised of non-consumption of any form of meat which is inclusive of cattle, poultry, fish etc. this mode of vegetarian consumption is increasing in the world rapidly. The largest community of vegetarian food practice happens in India; also a large number of people are now thriving for vegetarian diet in countries like UK, USA, Germany and many more western countries. Currently many European nutrition advisors accept that a vegetarian diet is nutritionally sound, balanced and consists of a proper balanced diet Many claim that a meal without meat protein and animal fat we do not fulfil the criteria of a fully-fledged healthy diet but vegetarian diet is a winner for health and our health is supplemented best with nature’s abundance of greens and it also helps us overcome the problems associated with macro and micro-nutrients. Vegetarian diet is a boon for our healthy life as it helps in reducing cholesterol level, reducing body weight, lower blood pressure and also helps our body in reducing cardiovascular diseases and chronic diseases like diabetes and cancer.
Ozlem Tokusoglu
Celal Bayar University, Turkey
Title: Antioxidant and functional nutraceutical treatments following minimally invasive (robotical) surgery
Time : 14:05-14:35
Ozlem Tokusoglu has completed her PhD from Ege University, Department of Food Engineering. She is currently working as an Associate Professor, Faculty Member in Celal Bayar University Engineering, Faculty Department of Food Engineering. She was a Visiting Scholar at the Food Science and Nutrition Department, University of Florida, USA. She has published many papers in peer reviewed journals and serving as an Editorial Board Member of selected journals. She has published the scientific edited three international books entitled Fruit and Cereal Bioactives: Chemistry, Sources and Applications and Improved Food Quality with Novel Food Processing by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, USA Publisher, and third book Food By-Product Based Functional Food Powders by CRC Press.
Robotic surgery is a type of minimally invasive surgery. Minimal invasive means that instead of operating on patients through large incisions, it has been used miniaturized surgical instruments which fit through a series of quarter-inch incisions. When performing surgery with the Da Vinci Si - the world’s most advanced surgical robot; these miniaturized instruments are mounted on four separate robotic arms, allowing the surgeon maximum range of motion and precision and has 3D camera. Robotic surgeries provide fewer traumas on the body, minimal scarring and faster recovery time. Medical nutrition therapy comprehends oral nutritional supplements, enteral or parenteral nutrition after surgery. To acquire convenient healing and functional recovery, a metabolic response is indispensable, but this needs nutritional therapy especially when the patient is malnourished and the stress/inflammatory reply are prolonged. Nutrition therapy is the verdict of nutrition or nutrients either orally including regular diet, therapeutic diet, fortified food, oral nutritional supplements or by Enteral Nutrition (EN) or Parenteral Nutrition (PN) to cure or treat malnutrition. In order to reduce perioperative discomfort including anxiety oral preoperative carbohydrate treatment (instead of overnight fasting) the night before and two hours before surgery should be administered. After operation, especially for gastrointestinal system, the intake of a hypoosmolar 12.5% carbohydrate rich drink has been shown to reduce postoperative insulin resistance. After minimal invasive surgery, oral preconditioning with glutamine, antioxidants and green tea extract versus placebo elevated plasma vitamin C concentrations significantly improved and improved total endogenous antioxidant capacity without reducing oxidative stress and inflammatory response. It can be difficult to bounce back after an operation, but a number of vitamins, minerals and antioxidant nutrients can support the recovery of patient after minimal invasive surgery operations. Studies have shown that long used vitamin K, which promotes blood clotting, to help heal incisions in patients after surgery and also aids in building strong bones. Vitamin K1 is present in many foods, especially leafy green vegetables including cabbage and spinach, broccoli, brussels sprouts, spring onions and is also present in liver, cows’ milk, egg yolk and some cereals. With antioxidant properties many times more powerful than those found in better-known nutrients (including vitamin C and vitamin E), grape seed extract is a heart-smart and cancer-smart botanical.
Osama Ibrahim
BioInnovation, USA
Title: Dietary supplements and its legal regulations
Time : 14:35-15:05
Osama Ibrahim is a highly experienced, principal research scientist with particular expertise in the field of microbiology, molecular biology, food safety, and bio-processing for both pharmaceutical and food ingredients. He is knowledgeable in microbial screening /culture improvement; molecular biology and fermentation research for antibiotics, enzymes, therapeutic proteins, organic acids and food flavors, biochemistry for metabolic pathways and enzymes kinetics, enzymes immobilization, bio-conversion, and analytical biochemistry. He was external research liaison for Kraft Foods with Universities for research projects related to molecular biology and microbial screening and holds three bioprocessing patents. In January 2005, he accepted an early retirement offer from Kraft Foods and in the same year he formed his own biotechnology company providing technical and marketing consultation for new start up biotechnology and food companies.
Dietary supplements are products intended to supplement the diet and are not drugs for disease treatments. They are vitamins, minerals, herbals, botanicals, amino acids, enzymes, metabolites and many other products. Some supplements play an important role in health, for example calcium and vitamin D are important for keeping bones strong and folic acid is important for pregnant women to prevent certain birth defect in their babies. Dietary supplements are available in the market in the form of tablets, capsules, soft gels, gel caps, powders, drinks and energy bars. These dietary supplements do not have to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before marketing as required for prescription drugs or over-the counter drugs but manufacturers must register their manufacturing facilities with the FDA and are responsible to having evidence that their dietary supplement products are safe and label claims are not misleading. With a few well define exceptions dietary supplements such as pre-workout for athletics and weight loss products may only be marketed to support structure or function of the body, without claiming to treat a disease or condition and must include a label that highlight “These statements have not been evaluated by FDA and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases”. Popular dietary supplements including safety and risks will be highlighted.
Nilesh Thakor
GMERS Medical College, India
Title: Prevalence and determinants of obesity and overweight among school children of Ahmedabad city, Gujarat: A cross sectional study
Time : 15:05-15:35
Nilesh Thakor has completed MD in Community Medicine from Gujarat University, India. He is an Associate Professor in Department of Community Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Vadnagar, Gujarat, India. He has published more than 70 papers in reputed journals
Background: Childhood obesity itself is a predictor of adult obesity and of higher than expected adult morbidity and mortality. Due to difficulty in the treatment of obesity in adults and the many long-term adverse effects of childhood obesity, prevention of childhood obesity has now been recognized as a public health priority.
Objective: To know the prevalence and determinants of obesity in school children of Ahmedabad city.
Methodology: The present cross-sectional study was undertaken during July 2009 to April 2011 in randomly selected 10 schools of Ahmedabad city, Gujarat by Department of Pediatrics and Community Medicine of GMERS Medical College, Dharpur, Patan. Total 2562 children between the age group of 10 to 15 years were examined after taking written informed consent of their parents using pre-designed, pre-tested, semi-structured performa. Anthropometric measurements were taken and BMI were calculated. The prevalence of overweight and obesity were determined based on the IOTF (International Obesity Task Force) criteria. Various determinants of obesity and overweight were studied by interviewing children. Thus collected data was analyzed using SPSS 17 (Trial version).
Results: Out of 2562 children males were 54.09% and females were 45.9%. Prevalence of obesity and overweight was 5.62% and 9.99%, respectively. Overall prevalence of obesity was more among female population (6.8%) as compared to that in males (4.62%). The prevalence of obesity was found to be highest among 15 years age group (8.22%). The prevalence of obesity and overweight was significantly higher amongst less active group (9.3% and 13.95%, respectively) as compared to more active group. Prevalence of obesity and overweight was significantly higher in the group of children who spent >2 hours daily in front of television or computers. The prevalence of obesity and overweight was significantly higher amongst group of children who took daily calories above RDA (18.57% and 15.19%, respectively) as compared to the other group. The prevalence of obesity and overweight was significantly higher in them (8.91% and 13.36%) as compared to those who took junk food less than or equal to two times per week (1.71% and 5.98%, respectively). The prevalence of obesity and overweight among children having parents with history of obesity was 46.15% and 17.94%, respectively which was significantly higher than those without parental history of obesity (4.34% and 9.74%).
Conclusion: High prevalence of obesity and overweight in school children indicate an urgent need to increase awareness via education and motivation of all stakeholders.
Sunil Nayak
GMERS Medical College, India
Title: Prevalence of anaemia and visual impairment among school going adolescents of Patan city, Gujarat: A cross sectional study
Time : 15:55-16:25
Sunil Nayak is a Pofessor & Head, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, GMERS Medical College, Vadnagar, Gujarat, India.
Background: Adolescence and young adulthood are periods of critical development and transition. Adolescent constitutes over 23% of the population in India. Nutrition and health needs of the adolescent are more because of more requirements for growth spurt and increase in physical activity.
Objective: To study prevalence of anemia and visual impairment among school going adolescents of Patan city, Gujarat.
Methodology: The study was carried by Community Medicine Department, GMERS Medical College, Dharpur, Patan during period from September 2014 to August 2015. After taking the permission of principals of 9 schools and consent of the parents of adolescents, 841 adolescents from 10 schools of Patan city were examined for anemia and visual impairment. The data was collected by predesign, pretested proforma and analyzed using SPSS 17.0 (Trial Version).
Results: Mean age was 15.8±1.96 years. Out of 841, 432 (51.4%) were boys and 409 (48.6%) were girls. The study revealed that 67.0% girls were suffering from anemia compare to 58.7% of boys. 117 (13.9%) adolescents had visual impairment.
Conclusion: High prevalence of anemia and visual impairment among these adolescents needs great attention and health education.